Monday, November 5, 2012

Sure it's something to do

So I'm sitting here in my room, looking out of the window, at 12 45 and I thought what am I doing with my life. I mean college in Germany is non existent. Well for an Erasmus student at least....
I mean I look at my timetable and I only have one lecture a day - here that equates to one and a half hours of college. Life is great you think.....but no it's not. What it does mean is that the days become very long as you try to fill them up with things to do.

I have always known this about myself, but since I have come to Germany it has hit me like a ton of bricks.....that I need to be kept busy. These open planned amount of times do not do me any good. Not only that but I would nearly go so far to say that I miss my weekend job at home. In two years I have never had the luxury to plan a weekend excursion or just relax and now I am faced with a year worth of weekends and find myself despising them. Especially here in Konstanz where everything bar the pubs and restaurants are closed.

Anyway enough of my griping. I'm depressing myself....

Since my fist post, we have had a very eventful week. It all started with Claire's surprise birthday party at the weekend. The effort we put into planning it would make any army officer proud. And then of course what does Claire do???? She puts a spanner in the works. She turns up at my front door and I have to say I failed to conceal the look of pure horror on my face. For the next hour I acted like a complete lunatic. I tried to keep her away from my computer, then I forcibly took her for a walk in the snow (yes, it snowed last week here). Upon return this is the site that greeted us:

Claire was completely surprised so in the end it worked out, but we did think at one point we would have to tell her!
So on Wednesday we then had Halloween. Not one of my favourite holidays, if you can call it that. But in the spirit of things I decided last minute to dress up and go to a party. I went as a devil. My costume consisted of a pair of devil horns and make up completed by Claire. It was so funny to see everyone dressed up. Loads of people made such a big effort, which is difficult as in Germany it is quite difficult to find costumes for Halloween.

On Saturday there was a party here in Sonnenbuehl. I loved it as for once there was a party in our building and we didn't have to worry about finding a taxi. There was great fun to be had on the swing sets that have recently been put up. Orla in particular was in her merriment.  There was also a small dance of Gangnam Style. I won't name who did it, all i'll say is I have video evidence :)
So tonight is something I'm very excited about. We are going to see the new James Bond film and you'll never believe it but its in ENGLISH!!!!! It's something at the moment that I'm loving Konstanz for :)

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